My family, at least me, my husband and my daughter (not son) owe a big debt to Malaysia and its people.
To help you understand more, let me tell you a story, not start by the famous "Once upon a time" because this story only happened 27 years ago; not too long to say once upon a time, but long enough to see my daughter- 3 years old then- grow up and got married - 30 years old now.
We escaped our country - Vietnam - in January 1981. After 3 days on the sea, we arrived to a West Coast small fishing village , we were checked and were sorted by United Nation High Commission of Refugee' officer. Then we were transfer to Marrang and had 3 days to recovered before taken to Pulau Bidong.
To make long stoty short, we stayed in Bidong for 2 months, went to Kuala Lumpur for 1 moths before set our foot into our new country Australia. Without the kindness of Malaysian goverment, Malaysian poeple who opened their arms and their hearts to received us, we would not alive today to tell you this.
27 years later, my son bough us tickets to Malaysia via Kuala Lumpur . So we come back to the country that we never set our foot out of the refugee camp before and now we have chance to see it up and close. In some way, there's a link between land and people, Malaysia and our family!! See you in Malaysia.